Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hello you! This is Olena!

Yes! Hello! LOL! :) :) :^) :>) :-]

I am very happy that you write me today! I am now to tell you about me! Yes! LOL!

My name is called Olena (it is pronounced like 'Olena') and I am born from Ukraine! It is a country! Can you know it??? LOL!

In how I came to America it is a story very long! But do not worry! I will tell you it! But not today!!! L0L! :)

I am now to live in Los Angeles California. Before this I am living in Portland Oregonian for a very many 2 years!! Oregonian is very pretty much OK. I am like to live there. In my country we say Portland is very pretty much зеленый.


In Oregonian there is very many bad things. LOL! There is many rain and clouds. :,,,[ (<--- This is me with the crying! LOL!) There is also sometimes snow! But the snow it is okay because I am from Ukraine!! LOL!

Also in Oregonian there is the large Truck. I am sorry to tell you that in the November 2006 I am in conflict with large Truck (U-Haul). It hurt my leg!! They took it off the leg in the hospital and I am now Olena with only one leg!!! But it is OK! Because I am to be American lady now!!! :) LOL!!!

This I am writing is a BLOG. Can you know it? LOL! I am to write the BLOG because I want to make the friend in America!!! It is OK if you live in Carolino or in Washingtonian! I do not care about it!!! In my blog (it is in the computer!) I am to tell you about my life and about the World Events!

Here is a World Event!
In today in South Carolino (it is by North Carolino in America!) there is a goat who is driving in the wrong manner in the roadway and then he jump off of the bridge!!! Yes! It is sad! LOL! And then the goat get the ugly smell from falling!!!! LOLOLOL! I can not make the stories like this!! In here is the story!

OK!@ Thank you for to allow me to tell you about me! (This is Olena!) You can now be my friend!

OOOHHHHH! I almost forget it! I am tell you at the top that I am born from Ukraine! It is the fact! But in this moment I need you to know that I am American Lady now! There is problem that American Man believe that Ukraine Lady is for the marry from the Post Office. I am tell you right now in this moment American Man -- I am not for you to marry! That is not the purpose of Olena! So you can not ask it!! LOLOL!! I AM SERIOUS!

Yes! OK! This was Olena. I am hope to write you in every day. And in somedays three times!!!! I hope you can read it and like me and be my friend! LOL!!

If you can read me tomorrow and in other days I am to tell you about these things in my life:

  1. The job of Olena! (It is a secret!!! LOL!)
  2. Ratne! It is my husband!
  3. The also-wife of Ratne! :( :( :(
  4. Heather Mills! (She is Lady with also one leg!!)
  5. The Taco!
  6. 5. World Events!
  7. OK!! LOL!

And now I give you a song that can tell you what I feel on you!!


Unknown said...

Hi Olena!

Anonymous said...

Please to be my roommate? I am hot American boy looking for amputee (platonic?)roomate. Bring your own goat.

Olena! said...

Hi Mr. Sarah! This is Olena! Now you can be my friend! OK! LOL!!

Mr. Anonymouse you can not trick me! I know you are the pretend man and I know for why!!! LOLOL!!! But it is OK! You can be my friend for every reason! YES!

This was Olena! OK!

Integrated Systems said...

Olena, I am so glad I found your blog. Your ebullient spirit and zest for life, despite all odds, is a real inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

Integrated Systems said...

Olena, I am so glad I found your blog. Your ebullient spirit and zest for life, despite all odds, is a real inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

Doohickie said...

miko! I am so glad you found Olena's blog too! And so glad you found the Publish button! Twice! LOLOL :) <--This is me smiling.

Integrated Systems said...

Oh! Did I post twice! LOL!!OL!! I just -- when I think about Olena, the truck and everything, the also wife, it tends to get me a little choked up. Because she's just, so...you know. Strong or something. So maybe I accidentally clicked the button a couple of extra times. So what! So who cares! If I clicked it 100 times it would be just basically what this woman deserves.

But anyway, Olena, sorry for the derail. Keep going with your awesome blog!